Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Me and Religions

When I was about 14, I landed up in this big argument with one of the swamis who had come home to perform a puja. Looking at that, dad asked me to take a tour of all the religious places around Delhi, read up about religions, and pick the religion that I wanted to. I went to the mosque, church, and the temple. For a while, I wanted to be a Christian - reason was that I found Christians to be very "modern". Little did I know that they too had their own set of conservative people. To explore the option further, I went down to my school friend's place. What I found there was that while they were open-minded in some aspects, they had their own set of beliefs, which limited them. At that point, I decided to stick to being what I was, as all religions have mostly common values, just customized based on time and place requirements.

At the age of 30, when I met my cousin and his wife, both now Christian, they both started telling me the plus points of becoming a Christian. Little did they know that I had already decided on the pros and cons of any religion for that matter and had my own set of beliefs, something that works for me! My cousin told me how his father had not given him the freedom to choose his religion and how he had to go from one place to the other in search of peace and where he found peace was at this church. I told him while his father had not given him the option, my dad had and I had made my choice. While I don't believe in any religion in particular, I do believe that there is a God and all these religions are just ways to remember God!

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