Monday, July 20, 2015

An Interesting Day of Perspectives

I was visiting a Child care centre for an enquiry around their set up. As I waited for someone to attend to me - a lady came by and signed to ask if I had had food. I said yes. She again signed to check if I was a Christian. I smiled and said No. Hazzled she again signed to see if I had prayed and had food as it was Ramzan. I said I already had food.

A man sitting next to me smiled and pointing to me said to her "She is a Hindu." The lady looked at me and signed again asking why I was not wearing a bindi. I smiled as she left a little annoyed.

It was interesting to see how a bindi seems to drive the religion for some.

Moving forward, I met a group of parents. One of the women in the group commented on how she had to drop her kids at the day care every day as she needed to travel for work long distance and returned very late. Curious the coordinator asked "Doesn't your husband help?" The lady responded "He is annoyed that I applied and got my promotion because of which I have to travel the long distance."

Another parent, a man, commented "With all these women starting to work, it is becoming so difficult for a man to find work!"

The coordinator, listening to this said "In our family, women, even if they have their M.Phil/Ph.D, are not allowed to work. If they do express their inclination to work, we set up a child care center for them."

The coordinator continued "We still believe that the most important parent for kids when they are growing up is the mother. A man cannot replace the mother's love and care."

And then looking at me, the coordinator said "You people from bigger cities won't understand this. "

I smiled. Did I agree with her? No. But we all have perspectives and views based on the environments that we grow up/experience in. Does it mean that anyone is right or wrong? No. It is just a point of view based on your experiences.

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